How to inspect before use
Ensure your safety, the safety of your site and teammates when conducting inspections. All inspections of Safety Harnesses shall be conducted in accordance with the relevant standards.
Inspect all the components of the Safety Harnesses thoroughly
What to look for
Burnt, Chemical Damaged, Colour Change, Corroded, Cracked, Cut, Damaged Stitching, Distorted, Excess Dirt/Grease, Gouged, Hardened Fibres, Heat Damage, Holes, Incorrect Colour Tag, Information Missing, Nicks, Unexplained Lumps Faded/Colour Change, Unreadable, Worn
NOTE: Pay particular attention to the fittings and load bearing fibres
If any doubt is raised regarding the Safety Harnesses NOT being fit for service, tag accordingly and contact us on 3801 6565.